How COVID-19 Has Impacted Women

As the coronavirus continues to sweep our country, we are seeing more and more data on how this past year has impacted certain demographics. One demographic in particular, women, have found this pandemic to be quite strenuous for various reasons. 

Women are really seeing a big impact from the coronavirus pandemic, especially when it comes to their jobs.

Not only have they lost the most jobs from the beginning of the pandemic, but they are exhausted from the demands of child care and housework — and many are now seeing no path ahead but to quit working. A large portion of job losses during the pandemic has come in businesses such as restaurants and hotels, both sectors with high female employment

In a recent survey by Daily Capital and Empower Retirement, women revealed that this pandemic has altered their confidence in their financial future. Below are some findings they discovered:

  • A majority (62%) of single working moms do not feel confident in their ability to plan for retirement. Conversely, less than half of the general population (40%) lacks confidence in their retirement plans.
  • More than two-thirds (64%) of single moms no longer feel confident in their ability to retire when they want. That’s in contrast to 43% of the general population.
  • More than half (52%) of single moms do not feel confident in their ability to build emergency savings. Again, this stands in contrast to 39% of the general population and 36% of single dads.

While this data is quite astounding, this brings light to discuss the importance of financial literacy and continuing to educate women on their finances. While the coronavirus pandemic has surely set back some women in their careers, they need to remain driven and determined to reach their financial goals, even if that might mean switching up their financial plan. It’s important to discuss these topics with a financial advisor who can help you alter your plan when life throws you curveballs or setbacks. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at or schedule a complimentary 30-minute appointment here

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