What Are Your Short and Long-Term Goals?

Do you have financial goals? If so, are they short-term or long-term, or both? Maybe you don’t know the difference. That’s okay because we are going to discuss the difference between short and long-term goals and how to strategize for them.
So, what is the difference between a short and long-term goal? We like to think a short term goal is something that you need liquid cash for in the foreseeable future, maybe within around 12-18 months. A longer term goal is something that you want to save for over a duration of time, maybe achievable within 3+ years or so.
Now that you know the differences between the two, you may ask yourself, how do I create these goals I have for myself? First and foremost, you want to think about your priorities in life. Do you have upcoming expenses, do you need to save for retirement, do you have enough money in your emergency fund and checking account for your monthly expenses?
When thinking about your goals, it’s also important to think about your risk tolerance. For example, are you willing to risk your money on investments? Or do you want it to be safe in a FDIC insured account? These are all questions you should ask yourself when designing your goals and thinking about how you want to use your money.
Setting goals can oftentimes get tricky because it’s hard to find a balance between wants vs. needs. Is your goal a necessity? Or a Want? Ask yourself some questions about the importance of your goals and think about how reasonable each one is given your financial situation and lifestyle. Deciphering wants vs. needs is a great starting point when creating goals. When creating shorter-term goals, be sure to ask yourself when you will need the money you are reaching for so you know exactly how to strategize and save.
Once you’ve clearly identified a realistic goal and determined the amount, timeline, and urgency of the goal, it’s time to start working towards it. Be slow and steady and stick to your plan once you make it. Goals and the methods of savings will be different for every individual, so it’s important to drown out the noise and do what is best for your personal situation. With the help of a financial advisor, you can easily put your priorities and strategies in place to reach your goals. If you find yourself needing clarity on goal-setting and achieving your milestones, email us at info@shermanwealth.com or schedule a 30-minute consultation here.