Bullet Journaling Your Way Toward A Budget

Bullet Journaling Your Way Toward A Budget

Many of us have tried to create a budget and stick to it at least once. Some people choose apps on their phone or spreadsheets on the computer to help them complete this task. But, for those who prefer a more creative approach, a better option might be bullet journaling. Bullet journaling is an organized…

4 Financial Red Flags When Dating Someone New

4 Financial Red Flags When Dating Someone New

It might seem strange to talk about finances when you first start dating someone new. People often try to overlook financial issues when embarking on a new relationship as it can be uncomfortable and awkward to discuss. However, if you see a future with that special someone, it’s important to know what kind of financial…

We Stand In Support Of Racial Equality And All Those Who Search For It

The senseless killing of George Floyd at the hands of law enforcement has shaken this nation at its core. His death, along with countless others’ has once again brought these injustices to the forefront of our society. For far too long, Black Americans have suffered under systems of racism and oppression. This time, there are…

National 529 College Savings Plan Day

National 529 College Savings Plan Day

Today is Friday, May 29 which means it’s “529 Day” or “National 529 College Savings Plan Day”. Each year, National 529 College Savings Plan Day draws awareness to the tax-advantaged way of putting money away for education costs. To help ease the burden of student loans, some parents put money aside each year for their…

Should You Take Social Security Early in Light of a COVID-19 Related Layoff?

Should You Take Social Security Early in Light of a COVID-19 Related Layoff?

Whether you are just entering the workforce or winding down toward retirement, COVID-19 has likely affected both your professional and financial life. For those between the ages of 62 and 70, you have the opportunity to begin claiming your Social Security benefits, whether you were planning to or not. While this “safety net” of sorts…

What To Do With Your Stimulus Check Once You Receive It

What To Do With Your Stimulus Check Once You Receive It

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act was recently enacted to assist families, individuals, small business owners and medical facilities across America amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.1 As part of this legislation, many individuals and families became eligible to receive stimulus checks of up to $1,200 per person.1 Many Americans have received…

The Economic Impact of COVID-19: Next Steps For Those Struggling Financially

The Economic Impact of COVID-19: Next Steps For Those Struggling Financially

The coronavirus has affected us all in many ways.  This pandemic has had an immense impact on our physical well-being and our mental health, as well as our finances. This virus has spread throughout the globe and as many businesses are forced to cease operation, people worldwide are losing jobs at record rates. Roughly 22…

Coronavirus and Student Loan Debt: What You Need to Know

Coronavirus and Student Loan Debt: What You Need to Know

By the end of 2019, student loan in America reached $1.48 trillion.  There were approximately 45 million borrowers across the United States.1  The COVID-19 pandemic has created even greater financial instability for many Americans and those that have student loans may have more difficulty paying them than ever before.   The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic…

Inheriting Money Attitudes – Are Financial Habits Learned?

Inheriting Money Attitudes – Are Financial Habits Learned?

Whom we become as adults is largely influenced by how and by whom we are raised. Our parents shape us in many ways. If you are given chores as a child, you are more than likely to become an independent worker as an adult. If you live in a house where there are lots of…

The CARES Act Has Waived RMD Distributions for 2020 – What You Should Know

The CARES Act Has Waived RMD Distributions for 2020 – What You Should Know

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, or CARES Act, was created in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and was signed into law on March 27, 2020. COVID-19 has had a tremendous impact on the financial and physical health of Americans and businesses across the country. There are many features of this new law,…