
Discussing Personal Finance is Difficult for Many – but Critical

Money can be a difficult subject for any of us to talk about, although it seems to be particularly challenging, statistically, for women. According to a recent study released by Fidelity, 80% of women surveyed said that they had refrained from discussing financial issues with friends or family, despite the fact that over 92% of…

financial planning for Millennials

Financial Planning for Millennials: Overcoming the Fear Factor

What do you think of when you think of Millennials? The media loves to paint Millennials as “adventurous”, “risk takers,” and “thrill seekers.” But, surprisingly, when it comes to financial planning for Millennials, their behavior is anything but risky. In fact, there is evidence that, while emotions and biases play a large part in Millennials’ investment…

Behavioral Investing

Behavioral Investing: Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus!

While no person falls neatly into statistical averages, as humans, we are all emotional beings and subject to all different kinds of behavioral biases when it comes to investing. There are three major ways in which men and women differ when it comes to behavioral investing. Investment Goals and Strategies: According to the Wall Street…

Investor Biases

Financial Strategies for Individuals with Brain Injury

By Brad Sherman, President of Sherman Wealth Management. Individuals who have sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) often have difficulties that can affect all aspects of their lives and, more specifically, can impair their ability to manage financial affairs. Navigating your finances after a TBI can be overwhelming and intimidating when there are different directions…

Transparency on Both Sides

Transparency on Both Sides

According to a recent survey, only 40 percent of investors indicated that their financial advisor(s) clearly explained how they are compensated. In this same survey – the Envestnet Fiduciary Standards Study – 52 percent of investors did not believe that all financial advisors were bound to a standard requiring them to act in the client’s…