Do you Need Financial Therapy to Deal with Money Stress and Budget Fights with a Spouse?

Do you fight about money with your spouse or significant other? Do you have trouble following a budget – assuming you even have one? If so, you might want to consider seeking financial therapy, coaching, or a financial advisor.
What is financial therapy?
Think of it like psychotherapy. But instead of improving your state of mind it seeks to improve the state of your money. In essence, it’s supposed to help you behave differently, and for the better, when it comes to how you handle your money.
Do you need coaching, not therapy?
Given the year we’ve had with the coronavirus pandemic, which has led to massive layoffs and economic turmoil, it’s not a surprise that money issues may have caused fights between you and your significant other. In some of these scenarios, financial coaching is the way to go. In times that are economically tough, it’s important to tighten up your budget and learn ways to strategically stabilize your financial life.
Consider meeting with a financial advisor. Here at Sherman Wealth, we challenge our clients to think differently about their money and coach them towards positive financial outcomes. We help our clients avoid making decisions persuaded by behavioral and investment biases, such as selling and buying mutual funds and stocks at the wrong times. Financial coaching will help you learn bucket strategies for savings, the importance of budgeting and ways to strategically build your wealth. If your finances are having a negative impact on your health and relationships, it is key to seek help from a professional in the field. Talking with a financial advisor can help you work through some of those miscommunications and misconceptions towards a positive outcome.
Where to find help
If you believe a financial coach is best for your situation, please reach out to us at or sign up for a free 30-minute consultation on our site. Our team is happy to help you get your finances on track and get you to a place where you are feeling positive about your financial life.