Sitting on Cash? Here’s What To Do with It:

In our previous blog, we wrote about how a great deal of American’s households ‘ finances are in surprisingly good shape eight months into the pandemic. While this certainly is not the case for all households, we wanted to discuss options for those who may be sitting on an abundance of cash or have too much money in their checking accounts. 

It’s important to note that if you have more than you need to pay your bills in your checking account, you should consider putting away some of the cash in taxable investment accounts or savings accounts that accrue compounding interest. When choosing a savings account, consider banks that have higher interest rates than your standard bank, which currently have interest rates close to zero. Utilize FDIC-insured accounts such as Max My Interest or Capital One 360. With these record-low interest rates, it’s crucial to get your money into accounts that are maximizing and compounding your dollars overtime. 

Additionally, as the end of the year is just around the corner, think about checking off your financial planning to-do list, which may consist of funding your HSA and/or maxing out your 401(k) and IRA’s for the year. As mentioned earlier, if you have additional cash laying around, make sure to direct those funds into a taxable account.  If you are saving for your children or grandchildren’s college tuition, make sure to contribute to your 529 plans and inquire about all of your options there. Also, if you are considering end of the year charitable giving, make sure to contribute those funds as well. If you have any questions about your financial portfolio or end of the year planning, please contact us at and we are happy to set up a free 30-minute consultation with you. Lastly, check out our other blogs for more resources.  


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