
Teaching Children Financial Responsibility: Start Early

Teaching Children Financial Responsibility: Start Early

Would it surprise you to know that students graduating from high school enter college with little to no knowledge about their finances, how to budget, or save for their futures? The problem has become so severe that 40% of these students wind up going into debt in order to fund their social lives and 70%…

lifestyle creep

Got a Raise? Here’s How to Avoid Lifestyle Creep

We work with a lot of young professionals and because of that, we get the pleasure of seeing many of our clients progress up the ladder in their career. With this often comes more responsibility but also more money. A raise is something you should be proud of as it represents the payoff from the…

How to Cut Spending

How to Cut Back on Spending Like a Billionaire

Even the richest few people in the world maintain some financially cautious habits. Warren Buffett (who, by our math, is worth more than all of the NFL’s teams combined) famously still lives in the same Omaha house he bought for $31,500 in 1958. Many of the world’s wealthiest don’t indulge in extravagance, even with billions…