Be on the same team! Talking about and managing finances together

Be on the same team! Talking about and managing finances together

Money woes are the leading cause of divorce in American couples. Over ⅓ of people in the United States have stated that financial pressure was the biggest challenge their marriage has faced in the past, and ¼ of Americans have said most of their arguments are money-related. As a financial planner, I work with a…

Sherman Wealth Management | Fee Only Fiduciary

How Much Money Do You Actually Need in America?

In my line of business, we talk a lot about wealth management. The idea, of course, is that financial planners and wealth managers assist you in creating a road map for your money that helps you grow savings for lifestyle goals like retirement, purchasing a home, or sending your kids to the college of their…


Entrepreneurs and Investors: Keeping your eye on the endgame pays off

Let’s face it – we live in a world where people expect their needs will be met with instant gratification.  Social media, online shopping and the availability of having access to everything right at our fingertips means that consumers have high expectations that their needs will be met immediately without having to wait for what…

Teaching Children Financial Responsibility: Start Early

Teaching Children Financial Responsibility: Start Early

Would it surprise you to know that students graduating from high school enter college with little to no knowledge about their finances, how to budget, or save for their futures? The problem has become so severe that 40% of these students wind up going into debt in order to fund their social lives and 70%…

Sherman Wealth Management | Fee Only Fiduciary

Money in Cash? Make Sure you’re Getting the Best Rate

While the stock market has been steadily climbing for the past few years, a surprising number of people are keeping a surprising amount of money in cash. And while everyone is going to have a certain amount of cash allocation, what’s even more surprising is how many people are losing out on maximizing the interest…

Paying Hidden Costs Because your Broker’s not a Fiduciary?

Paying Hidden Costs Because your Broker’s not a Fiduciary?

Investors often choose big banks and investment firms over smaller financial advisors because they think the brand name and size makes the service and product offerings better. In actuality, it’s often the reverse. Unless your firm is a Fiduciary, chances are there are sales quotas and contests for the non fiduciary, “suitability” reps, who are…