
Why Volatility Is an Opportunity for Long-Term Growth

This article was originally published on The market has been on a wild ride lately, which has provided a wake-up call for investors who rode the six-year bull market — and its low volatility — without a care in the world. Now reality has set in. As with all market corrections, this one has inspired retail investors to question whether it’s…

In Times of Uncertainty, Feeling Certain about Your Plan

In Times of Uncertainty, Feeling Certain about Your Plan

As I was listening to Fed chair Janet Yellen’s testimony in front of Congress last week, I was intrigued by a tweet from Morgan Housel: “Go back to 2008 and tell people that in 2016 our biggest headwind would be low oil prices and a strong dollar. Economics is hard. Not in a “things are…

Empty Shelves

When A Storm Hits Are Investors Still Gluten-Free?

More snow coming? Get ready for Instagrams and TV reports about empty bread shelves! Here’s one from my local store before the blizzard a couple of weeks ago: No matter how many people have resolved to stick to a gluten-free diet, that gluten seems much more appealing when a storm is on the horizon and…


9 End of Year Tips to Finish 2015 with a Bang – not a Blow-Out

Even the best financial plans can be tough to stick to during the holiday season. No matter how careful you’ve been all year, it’s tempting to splurge on some of the things that make us happiest: good times with friends and family, travel, entertaining, and generous gift-giving to friends, loved ones, and favorite charities. Here…


How Diversified is your Diversification?

In November yet another firm fell victim to the growing Valeant fallout as Tiger Ratan Capital Fund LP fell 33% over the past three months, wiping out gains for 2015. Those losses stemmed from the fact that Valeant accounted for 20% of TRC’s U.S. holdings. But they weren’t alone. Many well-respected funds, including the mighty Sequoia…


Robo Advisors vs Traditional Advisors: Beyond the Red Pill and the Blue Pill

When you hear the words Robo Advisors, what do you think of…? The Matrix? And does Financial Advisor conjure up a swaggering DiCaprio in The Wolf of Wall Street? Or maybe someone in a Brooks Brothers suit, describing products you barely understand? If you said yes to either, you’re not alone. One common fear about…