Behavioral Finance


What Should You Do in a Market Sell-off? Rule #1: Don’t Panic

Whenever there’s a crisis, it’s good to have an emergency plan, and when there’s a financial crisis, it’s good to have a financial emergency plan. When you’ve thought through a plan, it’s less likely that panic – or other “behavioral mistakes” – will lead you to react in ways you may be regretting for a…

Are You Making These 2 Mistakes

Are You Making These Two Critical Investment Mistakes?

It’s no secret: getting an early start on saving and investing is one of the most important things you can do for your future! Putting money into the market when you’re young – even small amounts – gives your investments time to grow and compound over time. Unfortunately, too many millennials haven’t gotten started yet….

financial planning for Millennials

Financial Planning for Millennials: Overcoming the Fear Factor

What do you think of when you think of Millennials? The media loves to paint Millennials as “adventurous”, “risk takers,” and “thrill seekers.” But, surprisingly, when it comes to financial planning for Millennials, their behavior is anything but risky. In fact, there is evidence that, while emotions and biases play a large part in Millennials’ investment…


Having the Money Conversation

Millennials have a tremendous advantage over their Baby Boomer parents because they are comfortable talking about money. Having grown up with social media and the internet, this generation is not as private as their parents and grandparents are, especially about subjects like money and finance. The advantage is that open conversations can reduce fears and…