It’s National 529 Day!

Friday, May 29 is “National 529 College Savings Plan Day,” to raise awareness about the benefits of college savings plans.
Surprisingly, nearly 70% of Americans are unsure of exactly what types of college savings plans are available. Are you one of them?
If you have children, a college savings plan should be considered as an important part of a diversified long-term savings plan!
With all 50 states and the District of Columbia offering at least one type of college savings plan, many states also offer state tax favored treatment of contributions to those who use their state’s plan. And, in honor of National 529 Day, many states are having promotional offers.
Don’t procrastinate when it comes to your child’s future. Sherman Wealth Management can offer further information and detailed explanations with regards to opening and contributing to a diversified college savings plan. With Sherman Wealth Management’s experience, you can start saving for your child’s future today.
Withdrawals from a 529 Plan used for qualified higher education expenses are free from federal income tax. State taxes may apply. Withdrawals of earnings not used to pay for qualified higher education expenses are subject to tax and a 10% penalty. Participation in these plans does not guarantee that contributions and the investment return on contributions, if any, will be adequate to cover future tuition and other higher education expenses or that a beneficiary will be admitted to or permitted to continue to attend an institution of higher education. The plan is not a mutual fund, although it invests in mutual funds. In addition to sales charges, the plan has other fees and expenses, including fees and expenses of the underlying mutual funds. The plan involves investment risk, including the loss of principal.