How We Can Help Navigate the 401(K) Landscape For Your Firm 

The recent announcement of Ascensus acquiring Vanguard’s individual 401(k) retirement plan business has sparked questions among plan participants and small business owners on the future of the retirement plans. At Sherman Wealth, we understand the importance of ensuring that your retirement savings are in the best possible hands, which is why we want to discuss the prudency of revisiting your 401(K) plan, re-assessing the fees you are paying, your user interface and integration solutions, and assuring your plan matches your firm’s intended goals. 

Whether you’re currently enrolled in a Vanguard or other 401(K) plan or considering setting one up for your small business, we’re here to help. Our team can help you review your existing plan to identify any potential areas of improvement. From high administrative fees to open architecture investment options and working with the right 401(K) provider, we conduct a thorough analysis to ensure that your plan is optimized for your financial goals.

One of the key factors to consider when evaluating your 401(k) plan is the administrative fees involved. It’s important to carefully analyze these fees to ensure that you’re getting the most value out of your plan and there are no hidden or unknown fees that are unnoticed. Along the line of fees, you also want to ensure you are with the right retirement provider, exploring all the options available within the industry, and carefully selecting the best choice. Next, the user interface of your 401(k) plan plays a crucial role in encouraging employee participation and engagement. A review of your plan includes evaluating the usability and accessibility of the platform to ensure ease of use for your employees and firm in general. Additionally, it’s important to develop strategies or plans to boost employee participation and promote retirement savings awareness among your staff. 

An informed staff also plays an important role within a retirement plan. At Sherman Wealth, we work with many plan participants to provide education and training sessions to empower  employees to make more informed decisions about their retirement savings. From understanding investment options to maximizing employer matching contributions, we can help equip your staff with the knowledge they need surrounding overall retirement planning, answering any questions they may have specifically or generally. Lastly, even beyond the 401(K) plan, we work to support our clients with their overall small business planning needs, helping craft financial strategies to enhance the overall business. 

Within the ever changing retirement plan space, it’s important to periodically review your workplace 401(K) plan and ensure it still aligns with your firm’s needs and goals. Whether it’s setting up a new plan, reviewing your current one, or providing ongoing support and education, Sherman Wealth is here to help quarterback the process, guiding you throughout the way.  Email or schedule a complimentary 30-minute call here to learn more about how we can assist you in maximizing and reviewing your 401(k) potential.

The IRS Increased Retirement Contribution Limits for 2024

The IRS announced the new 2024 retirement contribution limits for 401(k) plans, IRAs and other accounts last year, which include increases. This is a great opportunity for retirement savers to increase their savings rate this year. So, let’s take a look.

The employee contribution limit for 401(k)s will be increasing this year by $500, to $23,000, up from $22,500 in 2023, and catch-up contributions for those age 50 and older will remain unchanged at $7,500, so $30,500. These new limits apply to 403(b) plans as well and some TSP and 457 plans. Solo 401(k)s limit for 2024 is $69,000 and $76,500 for those over 50 years old.

The IRS also increased contribution limits for IRAs, increasing the limit for savers to $7,000 in 2024, up from $6,500 in 2023 for traditional and Roth savers. Catch-up contributions will remain unchanged at $1,000, so $8,000 for those over 50 years old. Simple IRA contribution limit will be $16,000.

Another feature to take a look at is the income phaseout range for Roth IRAs in 2024. The IRS increased the adjusted gross income phaseout range rising to between $146,000 and $161,000 for single individuals and heads of households, up from between $138,000 and $153,000 in 2023, leaving more opportunity for individuals to qualify for a Roth IRA. For those married filing jointly, the phaseout range is between $230,000 – $240,000.

If you have any further questions on the retirement contribution limits for this year, adjusting your contribution, or jus on your personal financial situation, email or schedule a complimentary intro call here. Check out the IRS website for more information on the contribution limits.

Do You Want to Save More For Retirement This Year? Open Enrollment Is Near So Here’s How

Now that we are in the last quarter of the year and approaching open enrollment season, we want to talk about an important topic that is oftentimes overlooked or misunderstood, retirement savings. If you were looking to increase your retirement savings last year, there is an opportunity for you in 2023. As we mentioned in a prior blog, the IRS increased retirement contribution limits for 2023, up $2000 from last year, from $20,500 to $22,500 and to $30,000 for individuals 50 years of age and older. So, another $2,000 you can save this year! We’ve found that many individuals who maxed out their 401(K) last year still have not raised their contribution to max out for this year. If you received a raise in salary from last year and want to save more for retirement, you will need to adjust your contribution as well! 

Whether you are taking advantage of the entire contribution limit or just want to increase your contribution by a percent or two, this is a great opportunity to save more before the end of the year. If you have yet to increase your retirement contribution, work with a financial advisor or financial professional to calculate the amount you will need to increase in order to reach your retirement goal for the year.

So, let’s take a look at how individuals saved last year for their retirement. According to 2022 estimates from Vanguard, “in 2021, roughly 14% of investors maxed out employee deferrals”, based on 1,700 plans and nearly 5 million participants. We find that many individuals actually intended to max out their retirement contributions or save more than they did, but either forgot to adjust their contributions or were clouded with other goals. So, if you plan on saving more this year, log on to your 401(k) platform and make your appropriate adjustments.

Contributing to your workplace retirement plan and taking advantage of the company match is a great way to build your wealth and save for your future. When deciding how much you want to contribute to your retirement plan each payroll period, it’s important to think about your entire financial picture and your goals. Make sure you are being intentional about your saving, and accounting for all the goals you want to achieve and save for. Find a balance that works for you so you can save for both your short and long-term goals. No matter where you start with your retirement contribution, you can always change it throughout the year on your retirement platform if you feel necessary. If you have extra room in the budget from the first half of the year, now might be a great time to adjust your contributions! 

While retirement is only one piece of your financial puzzle, we want to make sure you are taking advantages of the benefits it provides to you for your future. There is no clear or right answer when it comes to your retirement and goals, which is why we suggest working with a financial professional to prioritize your goals. As we approach open enrollment season, use this opportunity to review your benefits guide and familiarize yourself with all the benefits available to you so you can maximize your particular financial life. If you have any questions about adjusting your retirement contributions or about your 401(K) in general, please email us at and we are happy to help answer all and any questions. You can also schedule a 30-minute complimentary consultation here

It’s Time To Repay Covid-19 Retirement Withdrawals to Reap Tax Benefits

If you or anyone you know withdrew funds from retirement accounts during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s important to be aware of a time-sensitive deadline to pay back those amounts and unlock significant tax advantages. In March 2020, Congress passed the CARES Act, which allowed individuals to withdraw up to $100,000 from their retirement accounts, such as IRAs and 401(k) plans. These withdrawals, known as coronavirus-related distributions (CRDs), were intended to act as loans and provide financial support during the economic hardship caused by the pandemic. However, to fully benefit from the tax advantages, individuals must act quickly to repay the withdrawn funds within a specific timeframe, which is ending soon.

Under the CARES Act, individuals who took CRDs were granted several tax advantages. Firstly, the usual 10% penalty for early retirement withdrawals was waived. While income tax was still owed on CRDs, those who repaid some or all of the distribution had the opportunity to recover the paid taxes and convert the withdrawals into tax-free loans. These tax benefits were only available in 2020, making it crucial for individuals to take prompt action to maximize their savings. Those who withdrew funds had three year to repay the CRDs, starting from the day after they received the funds. So, for many people, the deadline is quickly approaching if they want to be eligible for the tax refund.

Recent data from Vanguard Group reveals that a significant number of individuals took CRDs in 2020. In fact, “approximately 6% of investors in workplace retirement plans, totaling around 268,000 people out of 4.7 million”, withdrew these funds. However, according to Vanguard’s latest data, “less than 1% of those who withdrew funds had repaid them by the end of 2021.” For those who want to capture tax benefits or re-invest those funds back into their retirement accounts, now is the time to pay it back. Those who repay part or all of their CRDs within the three-year deadline must file an amended tax return to claim a tax refund.

Given the approaching deadline and the potential for significant tax advantages, it is crucial for individuals who have taken CRDs to take prompt action. Assess your financial situation and determine if you can repay the withdrawn funds partially or in full. Seek guidance from a financial advisor or tax professional who can assist you in the repayment process and help you make informed decisions based on your specific circumstances. If you have any questions, email

Are You Taking Advantage Of Your 401(k) Employer Match?

Does your job offer workplace benefits? If so, are you aware of the benefits available to you and are you taking advantage of them all? We’ve been working with many individuals who are not only unaware of the extent of their benefits but are also not utilizing some great opportunities for them, especially their 401(k) employer match. Let’s take a look at why individuals are not taking advantage of this benefit and why it’s prudent to.

We’ve found that many employees are not educated on their benefits and therefore do not know how some of these added comps can benefit them. If your employer offers a 401(k) match, they are basically offering you free money. So, why wouldn’t you take it? Even if you are not able to/or want to max out your 401(k), contributing at least the employer match will help you make the most out of your retirement savings and take advantage of a really great company perk. Let’s break down how it works. Say your employer match is 4%. So, if you contribute 4% (or more) of your salary towards your retirement account, each pay period your employer will also contribute 4% on your behalf. 

Keep in mind, if you are starting a new job,  it’s important to speak with your employer or HR to determine when you are eligible to contribute to your company retirement plan and if the employer match is immediate or there is a waiting period. Additionally, many people are unaware that in 2022 they can contribute up to $20,500 of pretax income to a 401(k), so there’s a real opportunity to save throughout the year and getting closer to the limit quicker. 

Another issue we have seen as it relates to workplace benefits and retirement accounts is misplacing or forgetting about old 401(k)s. We know starting a new job can be a stressful time with many moving parts; however, it’s important that you don’t forget about your old 401(K) account. When switching jobs, you have a few options. First, you can roll the old retirement plan into your new 401(k). Other options are to leave the retirement plan where it is, roll it into an individual retirement account (IRA), or cash it out (however, depending on your age early withdrawal fees may apply). Oftentimes, it’s very helpful to analyze your old 401(K) and new workplace benefits to see which option is best for you. If you have questions about an old 401(K) or retirement account and would like our help analyzing your options, please let us know. Additionally, If you are an employer and are looking for a workplace benefit education course, email us at as we are happy to work with your employees to educate them on all the options available to them. Click here to schedule a complimentary intro call. 


Women Feel Less Prepared For Retirement

Building your wealth and saving for retirement is such a prudent part of your life and career. Many individuals often times overlook the importance of starting early and learning ways to maximize their savings. While both men and women show a lack of financial literacy as it relates to their finances,  we saw some research from the TIAA Institute that found that “women have 30% less retirement savings than men”, as well as research from AARP that found “that a quarter of women nearing retirement age don’t feel confident they’ll have enough money to support themselves”. We find this statistic shocking and a wake up call for employers and individuals to help spread and teach financial literacy to their employees. In fact, further research from the TIAA Institute Personal Finance Index found that “women have lower rates of financial literacy than men, which makes them more ‘financially fragile’. Individuals who are financially illiterate have great trouble making sound financial decisions that ultimately may lead to them derailing their financial plan and harming their financial future.

So, now that we know financial literacy is lacking in many women across the globe, what are some retirement tips and facts they should know? Well first and foremost, for those who may not know, a 401(K) is a retirement vehicle often available within your workplace that allows you to save a portion of your paycheck towards your retirement savings. It is a great way to set aside money each month and build your wealth. Starting early and often is something that we always share with prospects and clients, as time in the market is more beneficial than trying to time the market, as you can take advantage of letting your money compound for the long haul. Next, it’s important to analyze your risk tolerance. Given the extreme market volatility we’ve seen since the beginning of the year, we’ve noticed that many individuals are actually inaccurately allocated in their investments, which can cause anxiety for folks. If you are interested in learning what your risk tolerance is, email us at to take our customized risk tolerance questionnaire. 

Some more about workplace 401(k)s, many companies offer a company match up to a certain percentage, which is essentially free money to take advantage of from your employer. Check out our blog for more information on why company matches are so crucial to take advantage of. Another great tip when it comes to your 401(K) and retirement savings is setting up automatic contributions. This way you are able to set aside the same amount of money per month, having it become automatic and consistent in nature. In conclusion, educating yourself on your workplace benefits, becoming financially literate about financial topics, and starting early on your retirement savings are all great ways to advance your financial future. If you have questions about your workplace benefits or how to maximize your retirement savings, email us at and we are happy to help. 


Why It’s A Good Time For Roth Conversions

Given all the recent economic data and the current market downturn, you may be thinking about moves you should be making within your investment portfolio. While it’s important to revisit your asset allocation, risk tolerance, and time horizon during such a time, considering a Roth conversion is also a great idea. So let’s take a look at what a Roth conversion involves and why an economic downturn presents a good opportunity to do one. 

A Roth conversion is when you convert money from a traditional retirement account such as a Traditional IRA or Traditional 401(k) into a Roth vehicle. As mentioned in previous blogs, a Roth vehicle is an account where you pay taxes on the money before entering the account, allowing you to withdraw tax-free monies in the future. So, if you do decide to do a Roth Conversion, you would have to pay taxes on the pre-tax money you are converting, allowing tax-free withdrawals in the future.  

So, why is now a good time for a Roth conversion? Well, given the current market downturn, a Roth conversion is a great idea because since your account value is probably currently lower than previously, a conversion will allow you to capture the values and convert the same amount of shares at a lesser value, ultimately paying less money in taxes on your next tax return. If your overall compensation and income is currently lower possibly due to equity compensation or you are a retiree awaiting social security, a Roth conversion might be a great opportunity for you. Click here to see the 2022 Roth income limits and thresholds from the IRS and see if you qualify to participate.


All individuals we work with have different financial situations, which is why it is a great time to connect with a financial professional and/or CPA to see what options you may have to take advantage of during this time. We have been doing conversions with a great deal of clients during this extreme market downturn and are happy to help you as well. If you want to learn more about your ability to utilize a Roth conversion, email us at or schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation here

What’s The Secure Act 2.0?

On Tuesday March 29th, The House Of Representatives passed the Secure Act 2.0, a bill that is aimed to improve the retirement savings system for U.S workers. The legislation will now head to senate for its decision.

According to the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal, D-Mass., “H.R. 2954 will help all Americans successfully save for a secure retirement by expanding coverage and increasing retirement savings, simplifying the current retirement system, and protecting Americans and their retirement accounts,” he ahead of the Tuesday vote. “Too many workers reach retirement age without having the savings they need.”

According to a Wall Street Journal article, the bill proposes that “legislation would gradually increase the age at which savers must start taking withdrawals from 401(k)-type accounts and traditional individual retirement accounts to 73 next year, rising to 74 in 2030 and 75 in 2033.”  As of right now, people who have a retirement savings account must start withdrawals at age 72, so this will help those who wish to grow their money longer or may not need it quite yet.

In addition to the increased age to take RMDs, the new bill will allow older workers to make larger contributions to their 401(k)s. According to WSJ,  “people 50 and older can contribute an extra $6,500 a year to 401(k)-style retirement accounts, for a total of $27,000. The legislation would raise that to $10,000 a year starting in 2024 for people ages 62, 63 and 64. The bill would require catch-up contributions to be made after taxes. Under the legislation, starting in 2024, the extra $1,000 people 50 and older can contribute annually to an IRA would rise to account for inflation.” Again, this added benefit is a huge opportunity for individuals who maybe missed out on the early years of retirement savings.

This bill and the ultimate Senate decision could be huge for individuals, especially older ones, who want to boost and make the most out of their retirement savings by allowing them to maximize them in their later years. We will continue to follow updates from Senate on the progression and eventual implementation of this bill. If you have any questions for us, email us at

The Benefits of Saving Early For Retirement

Benefit Of Saving Early Chart

Combining asset allocation and early regular savings today helps to prevent playing the catch up game tomorrow. Contact Sherman Wealth Management for an investment strategy that, with periodic review, will potentially maximize your savings in the long-run with respect to your individual tolerance for risk.  We can show you the benefit of saving early for retirement.

Trying to time the market can prove detrimental for optimizing your portfolio’s growth. Sherman Wealth Management’s skills will help guide you through volatility. An individually tailored portfolio will try to deliver comfort in downturns, and help you maximize potential benefit from the market’s gains. Contact Sherman Wealth Management now so your portfolio doesn’t miss any more opportunities to maximize potential returns.

Impact Of Being Out Of The Market

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Related Reading:

Four Things Entrepreneurs Can do Now to Save for Retirement 

Finding Financial Independence

YOLO (You Only Live Once) so you Need a Retirement Goal

Your 401K Program: A Little Savings Now Goes a Long Way

How Much Money do you Need for Retirement These Days?

Advantages of Participating in Your Workplace Retirement Plan


Options for Your 401(k) When You Change Jobs


Leaving one job for another to pursue your goals, follow your passion, or just make some interim changes? As you leave – taking with you new experiences, knowledge, and relationships – don’t forget one more important thing: your company 401(k) account.

In the midst of job – or life – changes, it’s all too easy to get distracted and forget to pay attention to a 401(k) from a previous employer. It could be because the plan stops sending statements, or it could just be that you’re focusing on what’s going on in your life right now. There may even be a few you’ve lost track as the years pass.

Consider too, that even if you have kept track of your old 401(k) accounts and know exactly what’s in each of them, you many not realize that you have other options besides just leaving the account and investments as is. (For related reading, see: 6 Questions to Ask a Financial Advisor.)

Know What You Have

Do you know what’s in each of your 401(k)s? A recent study in the Journal of Finance has found that conflicts of interest in 401(k) plans can lead to serious opportunity cost for individual investors. Your managers may be prioritizing the profits of their institution by investing your money in their own funds, even if that is not the best investment option for you. As John Oliver recently demonstrated, these conflicts of interest can cost millions over the course of a single retirement plan’s life. Awareness is key. Make sure you look at old 401(k) statements from past employers to determine if they are being managed properly according to your needs and situation.

What Are Your Options?

If you do determine that your 401(k) plan from a previous employer is not being managed properly, or as beneficially to you as it could be, the good news is that you have options. You can roll the funds into a new employer’s 401(k) plan or into an IRA account that you already hold. Rolling over a 401(k) into an IRA has potential benefits that could include:

  • Lower management and expense fees
  • A wider range of investment options
  • Consolidating multiple accounts into one retirement account
  • The option to work with a fiduciary financial advisor with whom you are comfortable and whose recommendations are in your your best interest at all times

Can’t Find Your 401(k) Statement?

If you have lost track of an old 401(k) account, don’t worry, there are ways to search for it. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Contact your old employer’s HR department: if they can’t help you, they may be able to direct you to someone who can.
  • Search The National Registry of Unclaimed Retirement Benefits to see if your account is listed.
  • Ask your financial advisor to help you track it down.

A well-managed 401(k) plan can be the gift that keeps on giving. But once you’ve left a company, take a good look at your plan and decide if it makes sense for you to leave the funds there, move them into a current plan, or move them into an IRA where you, and a Fee-Only fiduciary financial planner, can take advantage of a broader range of investment choices.

This article was originally published on


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