
election volatility

Election Volatility Had You Spooked? Think of Your Goals

Were you keeping an anxious eye on your investment accounts leading up to last nights’ election? Are you relieved they seem to be climbing again? In spite of the plunge in the futures market last night as it became apparent that Donald Trump would beat favored Hillary Clinton to become America’s 45th President, much of…

teachers 403b

Teachers: Who is Managing Your 403(b)?

With autumn just around the corner, many teachers have returned to their classrooms. The end-of-summer teacher ritual of decorating, stapling and contacting parents has made its return. I know from personal experience, though, that teachers would be wise to use any spare time to investigate their retirement accounts and determine whether their money is being…

How to Cut Spending

How to Cut Back on Spending Like a Billionaire

Even the richest few people in the world maintain some financially cautious habits. Warren Buffett (who, by our math, is worth more than all of the NFL’s teams combined) famously still lives in the same Omaha house he bought for $31,500 in 1958. Many of the world’s wealthiest don’t indulge in extravagance, even with billions…

Financial Knowlege

The Importance of Personal Finance Knowledge

For years, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has tracked American personal finance knowledge through a survey about saving habits and basic financial principles. FINRA recently released the results of its 2015 survey, which includes the fact that only 37% of those who took the survey could answer four of the five questions on a…

Summer Intern

Summer Interns: Time to Focus On Long-Term Gains

The light at the end of the tunnel is nearing for America’s summer interns. Full-time offers will be tendered, sighs of relief exhaled and paychecks cashed. Interns who receive offers will be bright-eyed with lofty visions of moonshot careers at their new place of employment. As these interns begin to accept the end of college…

Fear Keeps Millennials on Investing Sidelines

Fear Keeps Millennials on Investing Sidelines

Millennials are nervous about investing. Recent surveys have shown that 70% of millennials keep their savings in cash rather than invest it in the stock market. But by not investing early on, these people in their 20s and early 30s miss out on the key advantage they have at a young age: time. Because your investment…

Financial Failings of NBA Legend Antoine Walker

Financial Failings of NBA Legend Antoine Walker

Former NBA All-Star forward Antoine Walker possessed a varied skill-set that enabled him to play both inside and outside. A big man who also shot the three, Walker was notorious for his hilariously erratic shot selection and, later in his career, an aversion to running that led to lazy play. The quality of financial advice…