Family Finances

Why Reducing Your Tax Refund is a Good Thing

With tax day fast approaching, many people are counting on receiving a big check back from the Government. While you’re probably looking forward to this windfall, there are reasons why you may wish to minimize your end-of-year refund. Why Big Refunds are Bad Taxes are refunded to you when the Government takes too much of…

Has COVID-19 Impacted Your Relationships?

Has COVID-19 Impacted Your Relationships?

COVID-19 has impacted our lives in so many ways. Work, relationships and finances have been taken for a whirlwind by widespread job loss and stay-at-home orders.  Due to the global pandemic, relationships have shifted: Couples and singles alike are focusing increasingly on financial stability and transparency. In a recent Personal Capital survey conducted by The…

Do you Need Financial Therapy to Deal with Money Stress and Budget Fights with a Spouse?

Do you Need Financial Therapy to Deal with Money Stress and Budget Fights with a Spouse?

Do you fight about money with your spouse or significant other? Do you have trouble following a budget – assuming you even have one? If so, you might want to consider seeking financial therapy, coaching, or a financial advisor.   What is financial therapy? Think of it like psychotherapy. But instead of improving your state of…

How Much Retirement Savings Is Enough? Why Couples May Disagree

How Much Retirement Savings Is Enough? Why Couples May Disagree

As couples combine their finances and think about their financial future, its common for the conversation to be uncomfortable or tricky. While one individual in the relationship might think about money one way, the other party could think about it completely different. Just know, it’s normal and okay to have different background and approaches to…

Financial Advice For Parents

Financial Advice For Parents

Raising a child in today’s world can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. As a parent of four children ranging from ages 5 to 16, I can attest to just how expensive kids can be. Besides just the essentials like food and clothes, there are club teams, tutors, dance lessons and so much more. With…

Top 5 Pieces of Financial Advice

Top 5 Pieces of Financial Advice

As we are all adjusting to the new norm that the coronavirus pandemic has created in our world, we are also learning pieces of advice that we could share from this experience. When going through an economic crisis, it’s important to keep some tips at top-of-mind to help you navigate the bumpy waters. In a…

The Best Credit Cards For Grocery Shopping In 2020

The Best Credit Cards For Grocery Shopping In 2020

As the corona-virus pandemic has put a halt on restaurant dining, Americans have found themselves cooking at home more and in turn, spending more money on grocery shopping. When increasing your spend in a certain category, it’s important to think about how you can maximize these purchases and your budget by building rewards. You may…

Here’s How The Pandemic Has Upended The Financial Lives Of Average Americans: CNBC + Acorns Survey

Here’s How The Pandemic Has Upended The Financial Lives Of Average Americans: CNBC + Acorns Survey

The coronavirus pandemic has upended many Americans’ financial lives. While millions are unemployed and sufferings, there is actually more positive financial data than you would think.  According to CNBC and an Acorns Survey, many are saving more and spending less. In fact, 46% of the respondents said they are “more of a saver now” compared…

How Much Longer Until The US Economy Is Back To Normal? This New Index Shows We Have A Long Way To Go

How Much Longer Until The US Economy Is Back To Normal? This New Index Shows We Have A Long Way To Go

As we approach the six month mark from when COVID-19 turned our world upside down, we are beginning to adjust our lives to this new “normal”. As we continue to adapt to this different way of life, some things are seeming back to the way they were before, but much remains new and strange. We…