Family Finances

lifestyle creep

Got a Raise? Here’s How to Avoid Lifestyle Creep

We work with a lot of young professionals and because of that, we get the pleasure of seeing many of our clients progress up the ladder in their career. With this often comes more responsibility but also more money. A raise is something you should be proud of as it represents the payoff from the…

6 Questions for Financial Advisor

6 Questions to Ask A Financial Advisor

Finding a financial advisor who is right for you is an important process. A good financial advisor is there to prevent you from making decisions that would have a negative, unintended impact on you. Who wouldn’t love to have a financial coach to keep you on track to achieve your financial goals? Just like with…


7 Tips to Maximize the Value of a Bonus or Raise

Expecting a bonus or a raise? Read these tips before you start Googling timeshares in Cancun If you’ve got an end-of-year bonus or a well-deserved raise coming, it’s easy to think of it as “extra money” you can use to splurge on a trip to Mexico, a new phone, or a serious visit to the…

human technology

Has the Internet Replaced Personal Financial Advisors?

With the wealth of information readily available online, it’s easy to feel that we’re all experts about everything. From scouring the finance blogs and Twitter for the latest “surefire” ways to beat the market, to diagnosing our aches on WebMD, to grilling along with Bobby Flay on YouTube, it can seem like we have almost…


Discussing Personal Finance is Difficult for Many – but Critical

Money can be a difficult subject for any of us to talk about, although it seems to be particularly challenging, statistically, for women. According to a recent study released by Fidelity, 80% of women surveyed said that they had refrained from discussing financial issues with friends or family, despite the fact that over 92% of…