Author: Ashley

Do you Need Financial Therapy to Deal with Money Stress and Budget Fights with a Spouse?

Do you Need Financial Therapy to Deal with Money Stress and Budget Fights with a Spouse?

Do you fight about money with your spouse or significant other? Do you have trouble following a budget – assuming you even have one? If so, you might want to consider seeking financial therapy, coaching, or a financial advisor.   What is financial therapy? Think of it like psychotherapy. But instead of improving your state of…

The American Consumer Is Flush With Cash After Paying Down Debt

The American Consumer Is Flush With Cash After Paying Down Debt

Almost a year into the pandemic, and we’re seeing American’s in pretty good shape financially. This may seem like a surprising statement given the current climate and widespread of lockdowns earlier in the year, but it’s true statistically. We know this doesn’t apply to all families in the same way, but it shows how strong…

Americans Were Given the Coronavirus Option to Raid Their 401(k). Most Didn’t.

Americans Were Given the Coronavirus Option to Raid Their 401(k). Most Didn’t.

Despite the financial toll of the coronavirus pandemic, few American households have raided their 401(k) retirement accounts to make ends meet. Faced with the prospect of surging unemployment and a declining economy, Congress in March passed a law that temporarily allows Americans to use their retirement money today. However, unlike expectations, so far, there hasn’t…